Revised May 2023

Kimoyo Insights Privacy Policy

Who we are and how to contact us

Kimoyo Insights process your personal data for our legitimate business interest in sourcing participants to take part in market research studies. We process your personal data in accordance with EU Data Protection laws and have in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard your data.

This policy outlines how we collect, process and protect your personal data, and your rights with regards to your data.

You can contact Kimoyo Insights in the following ways:

How we collect personal data

Kimoyo Insights collects personal data using the following methods:

  • Via our website including when you register for an account or register your interest in our services by supplying your email;
  • Via emails and text messages you send to us, or that we send to you;
  • Via messages you send to us directly through social media;
  • Using information about you from other organisations where you have given consent for them to share information they have about you with us or, with organisations like us, and where other organisations can lawfully share information on you with us;
  • From one of our clients, who you are a customer of or have had contact with in the past and have given consent for your details to be shared;
  • When you sign up to our Recruiter platform and fill out your details expressing your interest in taking part in research

What personal data is collected

We may collect the following personal data:

  • Personal data when you register through our website/ Recruiter e.g. your name, country for residence, address, telephone number, email address, occupation, age and gender, etc. This helps us to send you details about market research projects we feel are relevant to you;
  • ‘Sensitive’ personal data. Due to the nature of some market research projects we may need to process ‘sensitive’ personal data about you. By this we mean personal data such as your racial or ethnic origin, religious beliefs or beliefs of a similar nature, your physical or mental health, trade union membership or sexual life. We would always tell you the reason for asking these questions before we asked them. Your participation is always optional;
  • Other personal data that we require to fulfill the quotas for some market research projects e.g. whether you have children;
  • Usernames and any other unique identification numbers we issue to you or that you use to access our website of Recruiter platform
  • Information on what you view, click on and access through our websites. This information may also include where you came to our site from, and where you went when you left it. We also track how often you visit and use our websites/ Recruiter platform. We do this via website cookies;
  • Technical information about the devices you use to access our websites. We collect each device’s unique identifying codes (MAC address or IMEI number) device model, device name, operating system and version, web browser and version and geographic location;
  • The time, date, location and topic of any market research you participate in.

How we use your personal data

We use the personal data we collect about you for our legitimate interests, which include some or all of the following:

  • To send you links to invite you to take part in market research for third parties if you have signed up through Recruiter or our website;
  • To send you notifications of available new projects that may be relevant to your profile.
  • To put you forward to participate in market research you wish to take part in that is conducted by third parties; 
  • To provide you with our website  
  • To make sure you get the incentives you’re promised; 
  • To make a contract with you; 
  • To help us run competitions and offers; To contact you from time to time regarding things you’ve told us you want to hear about – such as new surveys, focus groups, special offers, and competitions;
  • To reply to and deal with any questions, suggestions, issues, complaints, or disputes you or our clients have contacted us about. We may share your data with our clients to respond to a dispute or complaint that you or they raise about how we carried out the market research on their behalf;
  • The time, dateTo respond to any social media posts or other public comments you might make, whether they are direct to us or about us, our websites, services, or other activities;, location and topic of any market research you participate in.
  • To protect you and our business from any potentially criminal behaviour, including fraud;
  • To power our security measures and services so you can safely access our website. It also lets us do things such as recognise your username and password, as well as reset them if you happen to forget what they are;
  • For internal monitoring and training purposes to check and improve the way we handle our communications with you;
  • For recruitment purposes, if you have applied for a position with us, including to contact you to discuss a role with us and to assess your suitability;
  • To tell you about any changes to our services and website. For example, if we change our terms and conditions or this privacy policy;
  • To help us maintain administrative and statutory records about our business so we can better understand who we’ve recruited and pay our taxes.

Sharing your information

We recruit individuals to participate in market research on behalf of third parties. We, therefore can’t run our business or provide many of the services and incentives you receive from us without sharing your information with other people and organisations from time to time.

More details about others who may have access to our data:

During the course of a research programme your personal information may be shared with the following types of third-party organisations/ individuals:

  • Fieldwork agencies/ Moderators (who may conduct interviews on our behalf)
  • Research viewing facilities (who provide rooms, recording facilities, and coordination services for our interviews)
  • Online platforms (which we use to host online research activities)
  • Our clients (only if you are a customer and/or if we have told you upfront that is what we are planning to do)
  • Transcribers (who may transcribe recordings)
  • Cameramen/ women and video editors (who may perform editing activities on our behalf)
  • Law enforcement (only if required to do so and it is a lawful request)


  • Any new business partners we may have over time, for example, in the event of a joint venture, reorganisation, business merger, or sale that affects us; 
  • Our professional advisors, including our lawyers and technology consultants when they need it to give us their professional advice; 
  • Other people who make a ‘subject access request’, where we are allowed to provide your personal data by law.

During the course of a research programme your personal information may be shared with the following types of third-party organisations/ individuals:

Social Media, Blogs, and Reviews

  • Any social media posts or comments you send to us (on our Twitter page, for instance) will be shared under the terms of the relevant social media platform (e.g. Facebook or Twitter) on which they’re written and could be made public. Other people, not us, control these platforms. We’re not responsible for this kind of sharing. So, before you make any such remarks or observations, you should review the terms and conditions and privacy policies of the social media platforms you use. That way, you’ll understand how they will use your information, what information relating to you they will place in the public domain, and how you can stop them from doing so if you’re unhappy about it.
  • It’s worth remembering, too, that any blog, review, or other posts or comments you make about us, our products, and services on any of our blogs, reviews, or user community services will be shared with all other members of that service and the public at large.
  • You should take extra care to ensure that any comments you make on these services are not offensive, insulting, or defamatory. Ultimately, you are responsible for ensuring that any comments you make comply with any relevant policy on the acceptable use of those services.

International Transfer of your information

Although we’re based in the USA, we recruit participants in Africa on behalf of clients around the world. If you take part in market research for a client who is based outside your country, we will ask for your consent before any personal data is transferred.

How long do we keep your information

  • If you register through our database, we will keep the personal data you share until you tell us not to.
  • When we collect any other personal data for a specific market research project, or you take part in a market research project, and you aren’t registered on our database, you will be told what the retention and deletion policy on personal data is for that project.

Your rights

You have various rights about the processing of your personal data: 

  • The right to be informed. You have the right to be informed about the collection and use of your personal data. We do this through this privacy policy. If there is a requirement for any additional data protection information, we will advise you of this when we speak to you; 
  • The right of access. You have the right to access your data and any supplementary information. If you have registered through the website or our social media platforms you can request details of the personal data we have about you by submitting a subject access request in writing to or Certain exemptions and conditions apply to this right;
  • The right to rectification. If you think that any data we hold about you is incorrect you can request in writing for it to be rectified. Please write a email to or with subject title, ‘Rectification of my personal data’ ;
  • The right to be forgotten. You have the right to have your personal data erased if the personal data is no longer necessary for the purpose which it was originally collected or processed for. If you originally gave consent for your data to be held you can withdraw consent. We reserve the right not to comply with any enquiries or requests we receive about the information we collect, where we may lawfully do so. For example, if we have reason to believe that a request is malicious, technically impossible, involves disproportionate effort or could be harmful to others. Please write an email to or with subject title, ‘ Erasing my personal data’. Our standard process is to remove you from our database and any database backups and to remove your details from any forms you have filled out to apply for projects we have run. ;
  • The right to object. You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data. Please write an email to or with subject title, ‘ Objecting to the processing of  my personal data’. Our standard process is to remove you from our database and any database backups and to remove your details from any forms you have filled out to apply for projects we have run.;
  • The right to restrict processing. You can request the restriction or suppression of your personal data under certain circumstances.  Please write an email to or with subject title, ‘ Restricting the processing of  my personal data’. Our standard process is to remove you from our database and any database backups and to remove your details from any forms you have filled out to apply for projects we have run

If you have any worries or complaints about how we use your information, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll do our very best to put your mind at ease, or, if anything is wrong, to put things right.